We need to return to the basics. Teach children to read and make sure they accomplish this before moving on. Teach basic math, not always trying to bring in "new math."
It is not necessary to teach social issues in school. Attempting to teach social issues in school is faulty because there is no morality base any longer from which to teach. Instead, they should teach the basic truths of education that served our country for so long. The proper social issues stem from the teachings of the Church or religious institution. Unfortunately, our country has turned from such foundations and removed them from schools and our society is paying the price.
Bilingual education is not necessary. Just teach students English. It will benefit the children in the long run if they know English. When one must teach bilingually, each student loses part of what is taught because the teacher uses half the time teaching in one language and half in another. Students have so much homework because the teachers can't take the time to teach it thoroughly in class. Then, many suffer because they can't understand it on their own. Teachers should make sure the students know English before advancing them to other studies. We are in the United States of America and English is still the language. Perhaps students would not suffer from grammar problems if teachers were given the time to emphasize its importance.
Then there is the issue of financial responsibility in education. Having more money and putting an iPad in the hands of every student will not inspire good education. Too much money is thrown at education and too much ends up in the hands of the administration instead of the classroom. Allow States and local governments to make local reforms that are best, and chose how to utilize their local funds. The current economic climate should show the federal government to keep hands off of local decisions. It makes me glad to be homeschooled. Dr. Benjamin Carson is a fine example of a minority student who came from a single-parent home, who achieved great success as a renowned neurosurgeon. He credits his mother with “making him read.” Our society tends to blame others if they do not succeed and we have lost the “can-do” American spirit. Winners take resposibility; losers blame others. May we return to the America in which each citizen takes personal responsibility for behavior and success.